
Thermos Cooked Cereal


  1. A short wide-mouthed thermos.
  2. Five organic whole grains (no grains that are rolled, processed, or flaked): millet, barley, rye, amaranth, and flaxseeds. (Even though this is a seed we will treat it like a grain.)
  3. Organic raw sunflower, sesame, hemp and pumpkin seeds.
  4. Black Strap Molasses.
  5. Dr. Bernard Jensen’s Black Cherry Juice Concentrate. (Jensen’s Grape or Apple Concentrate may be substituted.)
  6. Nutritional yeast
  7. Two organic fruits. (No citrus except kiwi.) You may use organic dried fruit with no nitrates or sulfides.


  1. Grind 7 tbsp. of each grain (barley, millet, rye, amaranth, and flaxseed).
  2. Grind 2 tbsp. of each of the seeds (sesame and sunflower).
  3. Mix ground grains and seeds together well.
  4. At night, place about 3 tbsp. of ground mixture in wide-mouthed thermos for each child.
  5. Add boiling water to mixture in thermos while stirring with spoon. Mixture should be soupy in consistency, as the grains and seeds will absorb the water.
  6. Seal thermos and let stand overnight.
  7. In the morning remove cereal from thermos and add*:
    a. 2 fruits of your choice. (No citrus except kiwi.) If you use dried fruits you will need to use more water, as they will reconstitute in the mixture.
    b. 1 tbsp. of Black Strap Molasses.
    c. 1 tbsp. of nutritional yeast.
    d. 1 tbsp. of black cherry juice concentrate.
    e. Add cinnamon or spice to taste. No sugar or honey. If you need the cereal to be sweeter, please use more syrup.
  8. Cereal should be eaten every morning. The nutrition will be cumulative in balancing the hormones, rebuilding bowel function, strengthening the nervous system, and purifying the blood.

* If you need the cereal to be warmer, use a double boiler to heat it. Do not use a microwave.

Thermos Cooked Cereal – Ages 3 months to 2 years*


  1. A short wide-mouthed thermos and a coffee/nut grinder.
  2. Four organic whole grains (no grains that are rolled, processed, or flaked): millet, brown rice, rye, and flaxseeds. (Even though this is a seed, we will treat it like a grain.) – *Note: Add the grains one at a time, per week to make sure there is no reaction.
  3. Organic raw sunflower, sesame, hemp and pumpkin seeds.
  4. Black Strap Molasses.
  5. Dr. Bernard Jensen’s Black Cherry Juice Concentrate. (Jensen’s Grape or Apple Concentrate may be substituted.)
  6. Nutritional yeast
  7. Two or three organic fruits.** (No citrus except kiwi.) You may use organic dried fruit with no nitrates or sulfides.
  8. Raw goat yogurt. (optional)


Mixture to last seven to ten days and to be stored in the refrigerator.

  1. Grind 7 tbsp. of each grain (millet, rye, brown rice, and flaxseed).
  2. Grind 4 tbsp. of each of the seeds (sesame, hemp, and sunflower).
  3. Mix and grind grains and ground seeds together well.
  4. At night, place 1-2 tbsp. of ground mixture in wide-mouthed thermos for each child.
  5. Add boiling water to mixture in thermos while stirring with spoon. Mixture should be soupy in consistency, as the grains and seeds will absorb the water.
  6. Seal thermos and let stand overnight.
  7. In the morning remove cereal from thermos and add***:
    a. 2 fruits of your choice (no citrus except kiwi). If you use dried fruits you will need to use more water, as they will reconstitute in the mixture.
    b. 1 tbsp. of Black Strap Molasses.
    c. 1 tbsp. of nutritional yeast.
    d. 1 tbsp. of black cherry juice concentrate.
    e. Add cinnamon or spice to taste. No sugar or honey. If you need the cereal to be sweeter, please use more syrup.
    f. Add raw goat yogurt. (optional)
    g. Add additional ground flax and hemp seeds if needed for healing.
    h. See specific supplementation guide for other additions.
  8. Cereal should be eaten every morning. The nutrition will be cumulative in balancing the hormones, rebuilding bowel function, strengthening nervous system, and purifying the blood.

* Recommended especially for special needs

** See acid-alkalinechart.pdf

*** If you need the cereal to be warmer, use a double boiler to heat it. Do not use a microwave.

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