Parent Power – Rewards and Consequences
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Parent Power – Rewards and Consequences

How to Provide Your Child with Effective Feedback by Bob Doman Rewards and consequences are the tools we have as parents, or, for that matter, as a society, to provide feedback, guidance, encouragement, and instruction, and to maintain order. Lack of consistent quality feedback leads to ambiguity, confusion, poor outcomes, and potentially chaos. We need…

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YouTube: Parental Warning

Unintended, Potential Harmful and Addictive Effects of YouTube on Children and Young Adults with Developmental Issues by Bob Doman Who would have thought that one of the potentially most harmful “tools” available to our children was something as educational and entertaining as YouTube? For many children and young adults with developmental issues, it is. Our…

Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 5
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Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 5

Parent Power or Powerless Parents by Bob Doman   My son won’t do what I tell him to do. Mom said, “Stop it!” for the ten-thousandth time. Why should I? The kids are out of control. You’re not the boss of me. Susie won’t sit at the table and finish her meal. I can’t get…

Simply Smarter
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My Greatest Discovery – How to Make Everyone Smarter

by Bob Doman These COVID-19 Coronavirus times have certainly turned many of our worlds upside down. We now virtually have a world full of homeschoolers; more parents are at home with their children than at any time in the history of the world. Exceptional times and exceptional circumstances can also result in exceptional opportunities. Many…

Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 3
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Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 3

by Bob Doman   You say nice things –I like you! You’re fun to be around! You think I’m good-you like me! I’ll be good for you and try hard! You just say ugly things to me! You think I’m bad and dumb—then I’ll be bad and dumb!   Simple statements: The more positive you…