Simply Smarter
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My Greatest Discovery – How to Make Everyone Smarter

by Bob Doman These COVID-19 Coronavirus times have certainly turned many of our worlds upside down. We now virtually have a world full of homeschoolers; more parents are at home with their children than at any time in the history of the world. Exceptional times and exceptional circumstances can also result in exceptional opportunities. Many…

Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 3
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Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 3

by Bob Doman   You say nice things –I like you! You’re fun to be around! You think I’m good-you like me! I’ll be good for you and try hard! You just say ugly things to me! You think I’m bad and dumb—then I’ll be bad and dumb!   Simple statements: The more positive you…

Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 1
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Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 1

Was That Right or Wrong? (And does it matter?) by Bob Doman Was that right or wrong? Did I do well or not? Was that important or not? Does getting it right matter, and if so how much? Should I care—do I care? Is it fun? Do I like this and want to do it…

Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 2
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Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 2

You Like Things You Think You’re Good At by Bob Doman I’m good at reading! I love to read! I stink at reading—I hate it! I’m great at soccer! I really like playing soccer; let’s play some more! I’m lousy at soccer—I hate it, I quit! Simple statement: You like what you think you’re good…

Coco the Wonder Boy – Part 2A
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Coco the Wonder Boy – Part 2A

by Bob Doman Back in May we introduced you to Coco Manole, the incredible little boy who was developing really fantastic processing abilities. This little brain injured/cerebral palsy four-year-old had developed astonishing digit spans of 10 forward and 9 reverse, which is absolutely phenomenal. Very few adults have short term and working memory at this…