Simply Smarter Intensity
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Simply Smarter: Intensity – How to Achieve the Best Results

by Bob Doman The Simply Smarter® program is built upon the foundation of neuroplasticity, utilizing the science of targeted input, frequency, intensity, and duration. Targeted The program constantly modifies itself to keep you right at the sweet spot, the spot that is targeted for you to achieve maximum benefit. Frequency To take advantage of neuroplasticity,…

Simply Smarter
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My Greatest Discovery – How to Make Everyone Smarter

by Bob Doman These COVID-19 Coronavirus times have certainly turned many of our worlds upside down. We now virtually have a world full of homeschoolers; more parents are at home with their children than at any time in the history of the world. Exceptional times and exceptional circumstances can also result in exceptional opportunities. Many…

Autism – Stuck Teens

Autism – Stuck Teens

A special message for parents of children with autism and others by Bob Doman In a previous post, I talked about getting unstuck and how to help change the picture and the minds of children who have weak auditory processing and who are strong visualizers. This combination is never more of an issue than it is…

NACD Science Corner

NACD Science Corner Vol. 12 – Brain Function Begins to Decline Over the Age of 24

  A study out of Simon Frazer University indicates that cognitive-motor function begins to decline at the age of 24. In this study the researchers analyzed the data derived from 3,305 players, ranging in age from 16 to 44, of a complex computer game called Starcraft 2. According to Joe Thompson, the lead investigator of the…

NACD Science Corner

NACD Science Corner Vol. 11 – Study Links Child Prodigies & Working Memory

A 2012 study of child prodigies conducted by Joanne Ruthsatz and Jourdan B. Urbach found that all the children studied tested in the 99th percentile for working memory. Each of the child prodigies tested at what was considered a moderately elevated intelligence and exhibited high scores relative to their attention to detail. But the most…

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Manole Family – A “Discovery” Leads to Success with NACD & Simply Smarter

Years ago, I saw a TV show on Discovery with an organization from England that transformed “typical” children into geniuses using programs close to what NACD is using. I was fascinated but frustrated because I believed that I would never have an opportunity to follow this type of program in Romania. After I registered my…

Discussion of the Relevant Perception, Structure, and Application of NACD’s Model of Working Memory and Cognition

Discussion of the Relevant Perception, Structure, and Application of NACD’s Model of Working Memory and Cognition

For more than three decades, the National Association for Child Development (NACD) has worked toward a better and more thorough understanding of cognitive function and how neuroplasticity affects that function. The ability of the human brain to change and improve due to neuroplasticity provided the foundation for the development of the NACD approach. NACD has…


Short-Term Memory, Working Memory, Long-Term Memory and Norfolk Pines

by Bob Doman I just returned from an outstanding trip to Sydney, Australia. I worked with some great folks and evaluated many kids whose potential I can’t wait to help unlock. I also met with some great open-minded folks at the University of Sydney to discuss a research project with our Simply Smarter System and…