Homeschool & Special Needs Children

Homeschool & Special Needs Children

Defining Education and Developmental Opportunity for Special Needs Children: Targeted, Individual Home Based vs. School Based by Bob Doman Many parents of special needs children, as well as children with attention and learning related problems, mistakenly believe their children are receiving a good, real opportunity for development and education from the schools. With rare exception…

NACD: A Game Changer for Our Daughter
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NACD: A Game Changer for Our Daughter

by M. Harrington We brought our daughter to NACD after adopting her from another country at the age of 7 and trying for four years to homeschool her ourselves. While we were making progress developmentally and academically, progress was slow before we found NACD. Lyn helped us discover specific things about our daughter’s brain and the…

Simply Smarter
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My Greatest Discovery – How to Make Everyone Smarter

by Bob Doman These COVID-19 Coronavirus times have certainly turned many of our worlds upside down. We now virtually have a world full of homeschoolers; more parents are at home with their children than at any time in the history of the world. Exceptional times and exceptional circumstances can also result in exceptional opportunities. Many…

Coco the Wonder Boy – Part 2A
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Coco the Wonder Boy – Part 2A

by Bob Doman Back in May we introduced you to Coco Manole, the incredible little boy who was developing really fantastic processing abilities. This little brain injured/cerebral palsy four-year-old had developed astonishing digit spans of 10 forward and 9 reverse, which is absolutely phenomenal. Very few adults have short term and working memory at this…