Homeschool & Special Needs Children

Homeschool & Special Needs Children

Defining Education and Developmental Opportunity for Special Needs Children: Targeted, Individual Home Based vs. School Based by Bob Doman Many parents of special needs children, as well as children with attention and learning related problems, mistakenly believe their children are receiving a good, real opportunity for development and education from the schools. With rare exception…

A Thousand Different Things: What’s Wrong with the Current Curriculum
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A Thousand Different Things: What’s Wrong with the Current Curriculum

by Ellen Doman I work with children all around the world who are having difficulties learning, typically due to issues with auditory processing and working memory. These children come to us with many different labels and diagnoses but when it comes to education the significant factor is processing, the relative weakness of the short-term auditory…

Education Needs
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Is Your Child Getting the Education They Need?

by Bob Doman In the midst of the pandemic, there perhaps has never been a greater time to actually evaluate the education your children have been receiving and look at some options. Education has unfortunately become almost synonymous with curriculum. Whether we are talking public school, private school, or even homeschool, the first question asked…

Simply Smarter Intensity
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Simply Smarter: Intensity – How to Achieve the Best Results

by Bob Doman The Simply Smarter® program is built upon the foundation of neuroplasticity, utilizing the science of targeted input, frequency, intensity, and duration. Targeted The program constantly modifies itself to keep you right at the sweet spot, the spot that is targeted for you to achieve maximum benefit. Frequency To take advantage of neuroplasticity,…

School Year 2020-2021: What to do, what to do? Homeschool or a variation of it?
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School Year 2020-2021: What to do, what to do? Homeschool or a variation of it?

by Bob Doman As we start the first tentative steps to come out of the COVID-19 lockdown, there is a lot of discussion as to what this coming school year is going to look like. It is perhaps time to become proactive and establish your own course for this coming school year. I suggest that…

NACD Targeted Home-Based Education: The Vision and the Plan
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NACD Targeted Home-Based Education: The Vision and the Plan

by Bob Doman We are often asked, “What does a day doing NACD Home-Based Education look like?” Let’s see if we can help you get the picture. The truth is, the picture looks different for every family and almost constantly changes. Every child and every family are different and so are most days. A typical…