NACD Research: The Role of Working Memory in Reading Comprehension
by Lyn Waldeck At our recent staff training/brainstorming session last October, it was time to talk about articles for upcoming newsletters. I personally like to contribute in January because it fits right in to New Year’s resolutions, setting priorities, and making plans. Over the years I have actually written articles that touch on some of…
by Bob Doman Most child management/behavior problems are credibility problems, a problem with the parent’s and/or the teacher’s credibility. If you don’t say what you mean and mean what you say, your child learns simply not to believe you. “If you do this again, I’m gonna….” The credibility problem more often than not begins when…
by Ellen Doman Adam is the proud owner and co-owner of two quite different businesses. AD Digital, which opened in 2011, is a business that provides multiple services including changing photos to DVD’s, VHS tapes to DVD’s, cassette tapes to DVD’s and now even reel-to-reel to DVD’s. Adam started this business when he still lived…
Anxiety disorders are supposedly the most common mental health issue today for adolescents, with one national study of more than 10,000 adolescents finding that about 31% qualified for an anxiety disorder at least at one point in their lives (Merikangas et al., 2010). Prescriptions given to children for these anxiety disorders are antidepressants that include selective …
When our son Bill was born we had no idea what an extraordinary journey we were embarking upon. It has been one fraught with times of fear, disappointment, sadness, frustration and many roadblocks. However, the joy, the good times and his amazing success in all of his endeavors have far outweighed the bad. He has…