
The Reviews Are In! NACD on Facebook

NACD Facebook Testimonials

We feel very fortunate to read some of the stories that many of you have shared with us on our Facebook page. Below are just a few of the recent reviews we have received.

Have you had a good experience with NACD that you would like everyone to know about? We encourage you to leave a review (and some photos) on our Facebook page and share your story with us—we would love to hear from you!

If you are not already following us, you can find us here: NACD on Facebook

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“We are American expats living in Uganda, where health services are limited and NACD is a tremendous help to our daughter Sasha’s progress. Sasha was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and a heart condition shortly after birth. We started her on a NACD program after her heart surgery at the ender age of 6 months. Sasha’s NACD program was the most challenging when we tried to get Sasha to creep in a cross pattern. We persevered and the fruits of our collective labor are paying off. Our three year old Sasha walks with great posture and a proper gait, enjoys climbing, children’s yoga, swinging and is very social. Sasha talks and uses her words in the correct context. She is starting to use couplets (two words together) more often. This school year she was enrolled into Play Group (ages 2.5-3.5) at the International School of Uganda. She follows routines in the class and behaves appropriately. Her Learning Support Assistant works on the NACD program with Sasha at school. We feel NACD coupled with play-based learning is an optimal learning environment for Sasha to develop life skills and receive the right targeted support she needs. We have so much gratitude for NACD’s specialized knowledge of how children with DS learn and develop.”




“This works! Bob is passionate about kids. Our evaluator and personal coach are always available to answer any questions. Sara is so positive, encouraging and welcoming. They really love kids and it’s very apparent they want to help you. They are so personal and genuine. Glenda encourages me when I feel like nothing is working. You are never stuck in a rut. This has been the most helpful program we have used with all the other programs we looked into.”



“We have worked with NACD for over 15 years and it is not an exaggeration to say that they saved my sons life. When the psychologists told us he would never change, never get better and that we should consider our beautiful baby dead, NACD said “let’s get to work correcting these issues”. Bob created an individual program for him which very quickly brought positive changes and my son began to hit important milestones. My son is now 20 and the child that would “never get better” is successfully working with a job coach 4 days a week in the community doing real work and he is currently working on achieving his black belt in karate. He is independent, funny and takes care of himself. Thank you Bob, Sara and all the staff at NACD for making all of this possible.”



“Our son Jacob, who has Down Syndrome, was almost three years old and had been on early intervention his whole life. He could read 10 words—but he couldn’t even crawl. All the people who worked with him just told me I wasn’t doing his physical therapy with him—which certainly wasn’t true. When I took him to Bob Doman at the NACD chapter in Phoenix, it took Bob exactly one minute to diagnose what was wrong! He designed a program for Jacob and after that, he just flew. Fast-forward 26 years—Jacob reads the Scriptures and newspapers and articles on the computer. He received his Eagle Scout award five years ago—and his Eagle project, planning and building a sensory trail for a therapeutic equestrian center, was awarded the “Eagle Project of the Year” over 51 other projects. He has been a Welfare Services Missionary twice, serving for nearly five years at two food banks. Yesterday, he was ordained an Elder in his church. We never cease to be grateful to the NACD and to Bob!”


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