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Multiple Businesses Based on Opportunities & What He Likes to Do

by Ellen Doman

Adam is the proud owner and co-owner of two quite different businesses. AD Digital, which opened in 2011, is a business that provides multiple services including changing photos to DVD’s, VHS tapes to DVD’s, cassette tapes to DVD’s and now even reel-to-reel to DVD’s. Adam started this business when he still lived in the house with his parents. He, with the help of his mother, learned how to do progressively more digitizing processes allowing the business to expand. The beauty of this business is that Adam really enjoys this work despite the long hours some of the projects take to complete well.

Adam also finds time to help out at local churches producing Power Point presentations to go along with worship services. These presentations include scripture passages and words to hymns. Initially, Adam provided this service to one church but now he has expanded and seeks even more churches to help out. He also does Power Points for special services.

Adam’s second business which is actually his primary business was created out of opportunity. His parents’ property had an extra building that they decided to convert into an apartment and a boarding kennel. And so, in September of 2015 Adam proudly opened Mutts and Movies, a thriving boarding kennel for dogs and cats. What makes this so uniquely Adam’s business is that the kennel includes a movie room complete with theater seats and comfy sofas. There the dogs can enjoy dog movies and lounge happily with Adam who makes them feel relaxed and quite at home.

The daily operations of a boarding kennel can be quite demanding. Adam has a lot of cleaning to do, exercising dogs, feeding and watering all of the animals and giving them extra pampering. He also photographs the dogs for the owners as a way to reassure them that their pet is happy while they are away. Adam also handles the reservations, drop-in’s and all of the medication administration that some of the animals require. His comfort with the animals and friendliness towards his customers results in lots of repeat business.

In his “free time” Adam continues to do Simply Smarter because a business owner can’t be too smart. He also continues to study more about dog care and grooming as well as learning more about new technologies in his digitizing business. Whether he is volunteering at his church, helping family members with projects or running his businesses, Adam is always willing to help others.

Look for Adam’s businesses on Facebook!

Read more about Adam’s earlier progress here



Reprinted by permission of The NACD Foundation, Volume 32 No. 1, 2019 ©NACD

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