A Sense of Community: Impacting Children in Davenport
by Sara Erling
As many of you know, NACD is all about family. We encourage and empower parents to work with their children. We encourage and empower siblings to help siblings. We also encourage families working together to change mindsets about what truly is possible with our children, regardless of labels they may have received. I am so thankful to be able to interact and assist parents that want to help their children be all that they can be. One of the places I travel to is Chicago, and we have some great families there. Over the past year, we have had quite a few families start NACD from Davenport, Iowa. They all attend the same church and know each other well. It was a domino-like effect—one family started with their three children, then over six months we had 3 more families with all their children start on their NACD journey.
While each child has their own individualized program, the parents communicate frequently and exchange ideas on how to create intensity and how to organize their days. Many of them have large families, and they homeschool all their children. As you can imagine, that takes good organizational skills and time management! I am so proud of these parents who in such a short amount of time—some with 4 kids on an NACD homeschool program—have created an NACD atmosphere full of positivity, discipline, frequent bursts of input with high intensity, and developing responsibility in their children. And did I forget to mention that one mom had a baby over the past four months and one is having one in December? Are they teaching all their children all the subjects that would happen each day in the public school setting? No. They are teaching smarter. They are building the neurological foundation. They are accelerating processing. They are building up responsibility so that the children actively assist in keeping up the house (inside and out) and help with the younger children. They are hitting reading and math and are working to incorporate passions and interests that the children love to learn about. There are certain activities they can do as a family, and there are certain activities that have to be done 1:1. Some of these parents are also learning how to parent more effectively, understanding what behaviors are and are not appropriate. As a community they help each other in raising their children. When I met these families during evaluations in October, I saw really happy kids. I saw kids who were more mature, had higher levels in processing, and were going up grade levels in academics. I saw kids who really liked learning and were developing interests in building, cooking, money, and fitness. I saw children who were developing positive self-esteems and confidence. They are truly loved, not just by their parents, but also by their community—not to mention me!
Parents—it truly does take community in helping raise our children and to support us in the implementation of NACD programs. I know many of you reading this don’t feel like you have that sense of community. That is why we have created the NACD forum for all things NACD. The NACD forum is on the portal—the website you visit to upload your videos or to review your child’s program. If you log in, then on the top right is the heading “Forum.” If you click on that and hit “view,” you will see all the different categories. If you click on a heading, such as “Health and Nutrition,” you will see different threads about that topic. Feel free to post questions, comments, and suggestions on that particular thread of interest. This is meant to be a positive place for community! Give ideas on how you build intensity or share fun videos of your child accomplishing something new. Have a good app your child likes? Post it and why! As staff, we will post frequently and provide our feedback.
NACD Families can access the NACD Forum in the top-right corner of your Family Dashboard on the NACD Portal.
Please note:The NACD forum is not a place to market yourself or your business. It is not a place to share different program activities. Remember that each program we design is specific to YOUR child. If something on your child’s program needs an adjustment, please contact your coach. NACD reserves the right to take posts off the forum if they are negative and not relevant to helping build a positive community.