Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 3
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Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 3

by Bob Doman   You say nice things –I like you! You’re fun to be around! You think I’m good-you like me! I’ll be good for you and try hard! You just say ugly things to me! You think I’m bad and dumb—then I’ll be bad and dumb!   Simple statements: The more positive you…

Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 1
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Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 1

Was That Right or Wrong? (And does it matter?) by Bob Doman Was that right or wrong? Did I do well or not? Was that important or not? Does getting it right matter, and if so how much? Should I care—do I care? Is it fun? Do I like this and want to do it…

Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 2
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Feedback and Its Impact on Behavior, Learning, Development, and More – Part 2

You Like Things You Think You’re Good At by Bob Doman I’m good at reading! I love to read! I stink at reading—I hate it! I’m great at soccer! I really like playing soccer; let’s play some more! I’m lousy at soccer—I hate it, I quit! Simple statement: You like what you think you’re good…

Anxiety in Our Children: The Impact of Anxiety on Working Memory
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Anxiety in Our Children: The Impact of Anxiety on Working Memory

by Sara Erling In my last article I mentioned that working memory is another factor to consider when looking at anxiety in our children. Bob Doman, founder and director of NACD, has been at the forefront of understanding working memory and its impact on global function since the early ‘80s. It is a big deal….

Anxiety in Our Children: How They Sleep, What They Eat, How They Move, The Basics
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Anxiety in Our Children: How They Sleep, What They Eat, How They Move, The Basics

by Sara Erling We have all heard it a thousand times: eating better, sleeping better, getting physical exercise helps our overall health. While this is something that our NACD families in general are very conscious about with their children with developmental issues, it is not uncommon to hear that those rules don’t really apply to…


A Sense of Community: Impacting Children in Davenport

by Sara Erling As many of you know, NACD is all about family. We encourage and empower parents to work with their children. We encourage and empower siblings to help siblings. We also encourage families working together to change mindsets about what truly is possible with our children, regardless of labels they may have received….

News from NACD Romania: A Message for Us All
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News from NACD Romania: A Message for Us All

by Bob Doman At the end of September in Brasov, Romania, one of our parents, Endre Csato, organized the second of his annual conferences, Galeria Terapiilor. The conference was for Romanian families who have children with disabilities and professionals involved in providing services to these children. I was honored to present the keynote speech via…