NACD Autism Spectrum & Aspergers Syndrome Who We HelpNACD – Doing What Works for Autism Spectrum

What does it mean if a child has the diagnosis of being on the Autism Spectrum (or is thought to have this diagnosis), and what does NACD do about it? NACD does something very unique. NACD assesses the child as a unique individual with unique development and unique inefficiencies. An accurate assessment of the child’s specific problems points the way to an individualized solution. Each child is different. How each sensory channel is processed is unique. How the child copes with these inefficiencies is unique. As a result, the strategies needed to FIX these problems are unique to that child. NACD is about fixing these problems at their neurological source.

Instead of ascertaining how the child fits within the spectrum, NACD seeks to clearly describe and define exactly what the child is doing. The treatment program is designed after the child is assessed, as a result of the assessments, not the other way around. What does this mean? Every parent knows that their child has unique strengths, difficulties, challenges and behaviors. NACD listens to the parents, observes the child, uses a neurological approach to understand why the child is doing what he or she is doing, and then teaches the parent to do the home program activities designed for that child. NACD helps each parent fully understand their child and enables the parent to confidently work with their own child. Our information, our expertise becomes the parents’ expertise.

We address specific sensory processing issues. We address social interaction, academic function, language development, play skills, cognition, and coordination. The parents’ priorities are NACD’s priorities, and throughout the process support is provided. NACD parents and staff support other parents. Lines of communication are always open. NACD also provides information on a variety of pertinent topics including diet, educational strategies and materials, and supplementation. Our information is based on decades of NACD experience and the feedback and experience of thousands of families.

NACD provides a community of professionals and parents coming together with a common goal – which is to assist each child in functioning more efficiently and confidently in every area of their lives. What do we expect? We expect success!


NACD Autism Spectrum Workshop (Free Seminar) on YouTube

Testimonials From NACD Clients


by Fatima Shaikh I am the mother of a lovely 12-year old boy, Usaid. He was diagnosed with Autism when ...

Autism Spectrum: Working with “T”

by Sara Erling "T was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder when he was 4. Before we started with NACD 2 ...

Autism Spectrum: “John”

John was talking at 9 months old, saying “stop” at each stop sign we passed on the road, and saying ...

Connor Macchabee

by Julie Macchabee It is not how you start but how you finish the race; and by the way, this ...

NACD Kids: Ammon (The Eagle Scout)

by Debbie Frederickson When Ammon was born he had oxygen problems that weren’t detected until he was six weeks old ...

NACD KIDS: Therapeutic Videos Help Hannah, Lauren and Joseph

by Ashley Lammons I have three children on the autism spectrum and they have been on NACD’s TDI Targeted Developmental ...

Our Journey

by Stacey W. Go back with me four to five years ago. My son had many fears and anxieties. Most ...

Autism Spectrum: “Celeste’s Story”

Beverly G. As of March 2001 NACD has helped my autistic daughter make incredible progress over the past fourteen months ...

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