Homeschool & Special Needs Children

Homeschool & Special Needs Children

Defining Education and Developmental Opportunity for Special Needs Children: Targeted, Individual Home Based vs. School Based by Bob Doman Many parents of special needs children, as well as children with attention and learning related problems, mistakenly believe their children are receiving a good, real opportunity for development and education from the schools. With rare exception…

Processing Power: What Every Parent Needs to Know

Processing Power: What Every Parent Needs to Know

  Processing and Its Relationship to Cognition, Maturity, and Global Function What every parent needs to understand about processing: It’s not about chronological age, it’s processing power. by Bob Doman Whether your child is “typical,” has learning or attention issues or special needs, you need to understand your child’s processing level and its global significance….

special needs face masks
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How to Teach Your Child With Special Needs to Wear a Mask

by Bob Doman For many preschool children and children with special needs, particularly those on the autism spectrum, getting them to tolerate a mask can be a daunting task. For a child who doesn’t understand the need for a mask and who has some tactile defensiveness, getting them to wear a mask can be extremely…

News from NACD Romania: A Message for Us All
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News from NACD Romania: A Message for Us All

by Bob Doman At the end of September in Brasov, Romania, one of our parents, Endre Csato, organized the second of his annual conferences, Galeria Terapiilor. The conference was for Romanian families who have children with disabilities and professionals involved in providing services to these children. I was honored to present the keynote speech via…