NACD Science Corner

NACD Science Corner Vol. 11 – Study Links Child Prodigies & Working Memory

A 2012 study of child prodigies conducted by Joanne Ruthsatz and Jourdan B. Urbach found that all the children studied tested in the 99th percentile for working memory. Each of the child prodigies tested at what was considered a moderately elevated intelligence and exhibited high scores relative to their attention to detail. But the most…

Perspectives and Remediation for Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Perspectives and Remediation for Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder

by Bob Doman Understanding and remediating the neurodevelopmental issues of those within the autism spectrum is critical if we are going to provide these children and adults with an opportunity to overcome their issues and to function at higher, “normal,” or even “superior” levels. It is important to understand that most neurodevelopmental issues will not…

Tornadoes: Thoughts on the Brain and Child-Centered Learning
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Tornadoes: Thoughts on the Brain and Child-Centered Learning

by Bob Doman Understanding the brain and how it works has been the subject of a tremendous amount of study and research. Exploring such research in college really engaged and intrigued me, particularly when I realized that the knowledge that had been gained in neuroscience was not being acknowledged, reflected, or utilized by the educational…


Trevor Jones

by Natani Jones, as told to Iliana Clift Now what? After a month in ICU and three months in a rehab facility, my son was finally home. Not having another option, my husband, riddled with guilt, went to work; I stayed home to care for Trevor—all alone, young, and inexperienced. I longed for my own…

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Comparison Study Measuring Working Memory as Measured by Auditory Reverse Digit Spans and Classic Mode of the Simply Smarter-Memory App

by Robert J. Doman, Jr. and W. Bruce Haslam, Ph.D. Working memory is generally defined as the ability to remember and use several pieces of information to make decisions or solve problems. Even listening to a sentence requires remembering several words until the meaning of the sentence is determined. Forward Auditory Digit Span refers to…

To Simply Hear

Such a simple word with such profound ramifications. If you look it up in the dictionary you’ll read: Hear: \ˈhir\ transitive verb 1: to perceive or apprehend by the ear 2: to gain knowledge of by hearing 3 a: to listen to with attention : HEED b:ATTEND <hear mass> 4 a: to give a legal…