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Comparison Study Measuring Working Memory as Measured by Auditory Reverse Digit Spans and Classic Mode of the Simply Smarter-Memory App

by Robert J. Doman, Jr. and W. Bruce Haslam, Ph.D. Working memory is generally defined as the ability to remember and use several pieces of information to make decisions or solve problems. Even listening to a sentence requires remembering several words until the meaning of the sentence is determined. Forward Auditory Digit Span refers to…


The Effect of the Simply Smarter Program on Short-Term Memory, Working Memory, and Academic Competency for Elementary Students

by Robert J. Doman, Jr. and W. Bruce Haslam, Ph.D. This study was conducted by The National Association for Child Development (NACD) during the 2011/2012 school year within a public elementary school in Northern Utah. With the approval of the principal the program was implemented by one of the teachers, who had the target classroom…