Anxiety in Our Children: How They Sleep, What They Eat, How They Move, The Basics
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Anxiety in Our Children: How They Sleep, What They Eat, How They Move, The Basics

by Sara Erling We have all heard it a thousand times: eating better, sleeping better, getting physical exercise helps our overall health. While this is something that our NACD families in general are very conscious about with their children with developmental issues, it is not uncommon to hear that those rules don’t really apply to…

NACD Science Corner
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Science Corner Vol. 8 – Be Smart About Breakfast

  Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing reported that children who ate breakfast more often had significantly higher IQ scores on the full scale, verbal, and performance tests. The study included 1,269 six-year-old children. After controlling for seven potential sociodemographic variables, the study found children who ate breakfast on a near-daily basis…