Debilitating Sensory Addictions (DSAs): Stimming & Fidgeting
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Debilitating Sensory Addictions (DSAs): Stimming & Fidgeting

by Bob Doman Many parents and professionals are confused about unusual behaviors, generally referred to as “stims,” which are usually associated with autism. These “stims,” in fact, exist to varying degrees with many children and adults, some of whom have various developmental issues and some of whom are considered “typical.” During the past year, many…

special needs face masks
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How to Teach Your Child With Special Needs to Wear a Mask

by Bob Doman For many preschool children and children with special needs, particularly those on the autism spectrum, getting them to tolerate a mask can be a daunting task. For a child who doesn’t understand the need for a mask and who has some tactile defensiveness, getting them to wear a mask can be extremely…

The Autistic Child

by Robert J. Doman Jr. Children labeled as “autistic” have been enigmas since they were first identified. Fortunately, some questions surrounding these children are being answered. Many “autistic” children (children with sensory dysfunction) are now being helped, and some are achieving “normal” function. As a result of NACD’s work with “autistic” children, we have also…