Learning and Attention Issues – Exploring What Works – DVD

Everyone who has who knows someone who has a child with a learning or attention problem needs to see this DVD. The DVD explains the pieces of the puzzle and how to address the issues relative to those with Learning and Attention issues – Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia, ADD & ADHD. It contains a two-hour DVD seminar presented by Robert…

The NACD Perspective: Why We Do What We Do

The NACD Perspective: Why We Do What We Do

Abstract: What makes NACD uniquely qualified to help individuals succeed and how can parents actively participate? NACD was established in 1979. We’re an international organization with many chapters and regions around the United States as well as our international chapters. We work with a full range of individuals—from those in a coma to those who are gifted and…


The Selective Use of TV and Videos for Advancing the Development of Special Needs, Typical and Accelerated Preschool Children

Robert J. Doman Jr. TV/Videos and The Preschool Child For over twenty-five years, the National Association for Child Development (NACD) has had the opportunity to serve a large, international caseload of children covering the entire functional spectrum. Our work with innovating ways to accelerate the development of children with profound developmental issues (such as brain…

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Autism & Communication Disorder – A Journey With Marcus

The picture of the handsome soccer player attached to this narrative is my eleven-year-old son Marcus. To look at his handsome face, one would never believe the story behind this sweet-spirited young man. At this point it seems a little surreal, but to borrow an old cliché, “We’ve come a long way, baby!” My pregnancy…