Debilitating Sensory Addictions (DSAs): Stimming & Fidgeting
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Debilitating Sensory Addictions (DSAs): Stimming & Fidgeting

by Bob Doman Many parents and professionals are confused about unusual behaviors, generally referred to as “stims,” which are usually associated with autism. These “stims,” in fact, exist to varying degrees with many children and adults, some of whom have various developmental issues and some of whom are considered “typical.” During the past year, many…

The Most Important Meal of the Day is Not Breakfast, It’s the Meal(s) the Family Has Together
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The Most Important Meal of the Day is Not Breakfast, It’s the Meal(s) the Family Has Together

by Bob Doman “All great change in America starts at the dinner table.”  — Ronald Reagan   If your children are infants, toddlers, of school age, or adults, or somewhere in between, family meals can be incredibly important. Whether our motivation is teaching a skill (such as eating or participating in meal preparation) or fostering…

Arianna Dinwoodie
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World Down Syndrome Day 2021: A Vision of What Can Be and Should Be

by Bob Doman Today is marked as a day to raise international awareness of Down syndrome and to help advocate for the rights of people with Down syndrome. Having worked with many thousands of individuals with Down syndrome from all over the world for over fifty years, NACD needs to begin a discussion of rights,…