Siblings of NACD Special Needs Children: The Game Where Everyone Wins

Siblings of NACD Special Needs Children: The Game Where Everyone Wins

by Lyn Waldeck At our recent staff training/brainstorming session last October, it was time to talk about articles for upcoming newsletters. I personally like to contribute in January because it fits right in to New Year’s resolutions, setting priorities, and making plans. Over the years I have actually written articles that touch on some of…


Increase Chores and Responsibilities, Increase Expectations, Increase Independence, Raise the Bar – Improve Function!

Vidya Guhan When you see these things listed on your program, it is easy to overlook them. After all, there are no assigned frequencies or durations, nothing you can check off your daily list, and they are so vague. You are likely thinking, “My child does his chores, she has her responsibilities, my expectations are…

NACD Optimal Outcomes for Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis

Neurodevelopmental Perspectives on Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome

by Robert J. Doman Jr. Founder and Director National Association for Child Development Printed in the Autism Health and Wellness Magazine Volume 1 Issue 3 – Autumn 2009 Bob Doman has been working with autism since the late 1960’s and was part of the team that first discovered the connection between sensory dysfunction and autism….