If You Can’t See It, You Can’t Achieve It
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If You Can’t See It, You Can’t Achieve It

Redefining Potential: What Can Be by Bob Doman Our perception of our children’s potential is limited by what we believe is possible. The opportunities we provide for them reflect that perceived potential, and the opportunities determine the outcomes. Let me start by getting your attention. I want to introduce you to Ellen, a not-so-typical, “typical”…

A Heartwarming Birthday Celebration: Charles’ Mission to Help Children in Need
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A Heartwarming Birthday Celebration: Charles’ Mission to Help Children in Need

I have been working with the Allman family for several years now.  As NACD staff, we often talk amongst ourselves about how fortunate we are to work with what we consider to be the cream of the crop parents.  Ken and Julie Allman are fine examples as to the level of dedication that we see every day in…