NACD’s Whole-Child Philosophy: Seeing Beyond the Labels
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NACD’s Whole-Child Philosophy: Seeing Beyond the Labels

by Bob Doman Understanding the Whole Child To truly understand a child, we must take a top-down approach, viewing them as a complete individual rather than a sum of disconnected parts. Every child is more than a diagnosis, a test score, or an isolated challenge. Yet too often, professionals—whether doctors, therapists, educators, or psychologists—focus on just…

I’m glad I know now—that what I knew then—was absolutely right
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I’m glad I know now—that what I knew then—was absolutely right

by Lyn Waldeck Those of us who have passed that 60-year-old mile marker will often ponder the things of our past. What would we do differently? How do we mend past transgressions? What could have been avoided had a different fork in the road been followed? I am no exception. On a personal level, after…

Utah’s Best Resource for Child Development & Education

Utah’s Best Resource for Child Development & Education

Did you know that one of the world’s leading organizations for child development and education is based right here in Utah? The National Association for Child Development (NACD) has been headquartered in Northern Utah for over 40 years, helping tens of thousands of families in over 90 countries. While NACD has gained global recognition for…

The Truth About Breakfast: Why a Protein-Packed Morning Meal is Essential for Kids—Especially Special Needs Children
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The Truth About Breakfast: Why a Protein-Packed Morning Meal is Essential for Kids—Especially Special Needs Children

Breakfast plays a critical role in setting the tone for the day, especially for children with special needs. The right foods in the morning can help improve focus, regulate emotions, and support overall brain function. On the other hand, the wrong choices—especially those filled with sugar and processed carbohydrates—can lead to energy crashes, behavioral challenges,…

If You Can’t See It, You Can’t Achieve It
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If You Can’t See It, You Can’t Achieve It

Redefining Potential: What Can Be by Bob Doman Our perception of our children’s potential is limited by what we believe is possible. The opportunities we provide for them reflect that perceived potential, and the opportunities determine the outcomes. Let me start by getting your attention. I want to introduce you to Ellen, a not-so-typical, “typical”…

ABA Study
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ABA Study

New research disputes a previous study involving the efficacy of EIBI/ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) and investigates whether it actually produces adverse effects and can even be harmful. A new study published in JAMA Pediatrics involving 9,038 young autistic children has confirmed what we have known for decades. The research disputes the “study” from the ‘80s that had…

Parent Power – Rewards and Consequences
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Parent Power – Rewards and Consequences

How to Provide Your Child with Effective Feedback by Bob Doman Rewards and consequences are the tools we have as parents, or, for that matter, as a society, to provide feedback, guidance, encouragement, and instruction, and to maintain order. Lack of consistent quality feedback leads to ambiguity, confusion, poor outcomes, and potentially chaos. We need…