Search Results for: special education

The Network

by Robert J. Doman, Jr. Where does a child’s future lie? How can we determine the potential of a given child? These questions cannot be answered. As difficult as it will seem to a parent, particularly the parent of a child with a problem, the questions shouldn’t even be asked. If someone volunteers an answer,…

Down Syndrome

by Robert J. Doman Jr. Down Syndrome is the most common and best known of the chromosomal anomalies. The condition was first described by Langdon Down in 1866. Previously, the children with this anomaly were labeled as Mongoloids. The term was applied to these children because of the somewhat oriental look produced by the epicanthal…

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Autism & Communication Disorder – A Journey With Marcus

The picture of the handsome soccer player attached to this narrative is my eleven-year-old son Marcus. To look at his handsome face, one would never believe the story behind this sweet-spirited young man. At this point it seems a little surreal, but to borrow an old cliché, “We’ve come a long way, baby!” My pregnancy…


Down Syndrome Perspectives: A Message to Parents of Down Syndrome Children

by Robert J. Doman, Jr. In 1972 I sent my first Down Syndrome child off to her first day of school, in regular class, in a “normal” public school with “normal” expectations, and no special services. Linda was entering first grade, having spent two years with me at the George Crother’s Memorial School. Linda entered…

A Heartwarming Birthday Celebration: Charles’ Mission to Help Children in Need
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A Heartwarming Birthday Celebration: Charles’ Mission to Help Children in Need

I have been working with the Allman family for several years now.  As NACD staff, we often talk amongst ourselves about how fortunate we are to work with what we consider to be the cream of the crop parents.  Ken and Julie Allman are fine examples as to the level of dedication that we see every day in…