Developmental/Therapeutic Intervention: Proactive or Reactive?

Developmental/Therapeutic Intervention: Proactive or Reactive?

by Bob Doman To be proactive is to anticipate, prepare, and intervene based on a long-term vision and perspective. When anticipating the future, you react accordingly before it actually happens. To be reactive is to respond to a situation, rather than creating or controlling it. How does this relate to what we do with our…

NACD Science Corner

NACD Science Corner Vol. 12 – Brain Function Begins to Decline Over the Age of 24

  A study out of Simon Frazer University indicates that cognitive-motor function begins to decline at the age of 24. In this study the researchers analyzed the data derived from 3,305 players, ranging in age from 16 to 44, of a complex computer game called Starcraft 2. According to Joe Thompson, the lead investigator of the…

NACD Science Corner

Science Corner Vol. 4 – Brain Imaging: What It Can and Can’t Tell Us

The National Association for Child Development is always looking for the best knowledge to further our understanding of developmental disorders and their remediation. Therefore, we are fascinated by the prospects of neuroscience research, but are fully aware of the current limitations. One major area of neuroscience research that has generated a lot of hyped buzz…

NACD Science Corner

Science Corner Vol. 2: Working Memory Training Physically Changes Brain for the Better, fMRI Neuroimaging Study Finds

Last summer, a group of researchers
 published a study in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience in which they
used fMRI technology to show
auditory working memory training
 (such as the auditory sequential processing activities in Simply Smarter) resulted in physical changes 
to the brain. In addition to showing
 auditory working memory can be
 trained, this research was able…