Simply Smarter Intensity
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Simply Smarter: Intensity – How to Achieve the Best Results

by Bob Doman The Simply Smarter® program is built upon the foundation of neuroplasticity, utilizing the science of targeted input, frequency, intensity, and duration. Targeted The program constantly modifies itself to keep you right at the sweet spot, the spot that is targeted for you to achieve maximum benefit. Frequency To take advantage of neuroplasticity,…

Parenting 101: The Love of Learning

Parenting 101: The Love of Learning

Robert J. Doman, Jr. Changing the brain (i.e., learning) requires providing the brain with specific, appropriate input that must be delivered with sufficient frequency, intensity and duration. Of the three components—frequency, intensity and duration—the least important is duration. Unfortunately, duration is the one component “education” tends to concentrate on the most. Most educators and legislators believe that “in…