NACD Science Corner

Science Corner Vol. 9 – Evidence That Sending a Child on a Guilt Trip Has Long-Lasting, Negative Effects

  A recent research article published in The Journal of Family Psychology reported the use of guilt-inducing parenting causes distress and anger that is still measurable the next day. Guilt-inducing parenting is when a parent tries to impact a child’s behavior by trying to make them feel guilty. An example might be when a child…

NACD Science Corner

Science Corner Vol. 7 – Sleep Apnea and Its Association to Behavior, Learning Problems and ADHD

  The Tucson Children’s Assessment of Sleep Apnea Study was published this year in the journal SLEEP [1]. In this study of 263 youth, sleep study and neurobehavioral data was collected twice, five years apart. Twenty-one of the children had persistent sleep apnea throughout the entire study. These children were six times more likely to…

NACD & ABA Applied Behavioral Analysis

NACD and ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy)—Very Different Approaches

We are sometimes asked how NACD differs from the ABA – Applied Behavior Analysis therapy approach to individuals with Autism. In simplistic terms, the two approaches have profound philosophical differences that impact on the specific practices as well as the understanding of what needs to be changed. NACD approaches any individual as a whole person….

Perspectives and Remediation for Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Perspectives and Remediation for Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder

by Bob Doman Understanding and remediating the neurodevelopmental issues of those within the autism spectrum is critical if we are going to provide these children and adults with an opportunity to overcome their issues and to function at higher, “normal,” or even “superior” levels. It is important to understand that most neurodevelopmental issues will not…

Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say Part 2 – Education/Behavior

Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say Part 2 – Education/Behavior

by Bob Doman Most child management/behavior problems are credibility problems, a problem with the parent’s and/or the teacher’s credibility. If you don’t say what you mean and mean what you say, your child learns simply not to believe you. “If you do this again, I’m gonna….” The credibility problem more often than not begins when…

Parenting 101: Processing, Behavior, and Maturity

Parenting 101: Processing, Behavior, and Maturity

Robert J. Doman, Jr. In my last article I introduced “sequential processing” and encouraged readers to find out how well you and those in your family can process information. I hope you all took advantage of the opportunity. If you didn’t, you can still go to and take the free memory test. [This test is no longer available…