Search Results for: college

Chores: An Integral Part of Your Child’s Development & Education
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Chores: An Integral Part of Your Child’s Development & Education

Toddler Issues a Chore Challenge August 2017 Ogden, Utah Twelve-month-old Arielle is challenging other children to raise the bar and get to work. Today’s children are doing fewer chores than ever before, and as a result we should not be shocked to realize that many teens and young adults have missed some very important lessons….

Coco the Wonder Boy – Part 2A
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Coco the Wonder Boy – Part 2A

by Bob Doman Back in May we introduced you to Coco Manole, the incredible little boy who was developing really fantastic processing abilities. This little brain injured/cerebral palsy four-year-old had developed astonishing digit spans of 10 forward and 9 reverse, which is absolutely phenomenal. Very few adults have short term and working memory at this…

NACD Science Corner

Science Corner Vol. 2: Working Memory Training Physically Changes Brain for the Better, fMRI Neuroimaging Study Finds

Last summer, a group of researchers
 published a study in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience in which they
used fMRI technology to show
auditory working memory training
 (such as the auditory sequential processing activities in Simply Smarter) resulted in physical changes 
to the brain. In addition to showing
 auditory working memory can be
 trained, this research was able…