Search Results for: special education



Arianna is 13 years old. She happened to have been born with one extra chromosome, a fact that is neither positive nor negative but certainly has been a challenge for her in many ways. As parents we learned that the medical term is designated Trisomy 21. We feel very strong about using that term. Verbalizing…

Get Help!

by Vidya Guhan As parents, we are responsible for getting program done with our child. But we certainly don’t have to do it all ourselves. We should think of ourselves as the managers or supervisors of our child’s program. To be successful, especially in the long term, it is helpful to get a team of…

California- They’re Not Dreamin, They’re Doing! Getting Serious About Processing and Working Memory

by Robert J. Doman Jr. I recently returned from our Chapter in Southern California with renewed faith that our families there are really “getting” the importance of working memory/sequential processing. More importantly, they understand that they can really change it—dramatically! But before I tell you their specific stories, let’s look at the key they discovered…

Hearing Tests: A Primer for Parents

Hearing Tests: A Primer for Parents

by Lori Riggs, Certified Speech/Language Pathologist At first glance an audiogram may look simple and straightforward. Delving into interpretation and implications of the audiogram, however, leads to a whole different picture: the mysterious world of audiology. As many more parents have been sending me their child’s audiological reports to try to make sense of them,…